Paimpol - ha just had to happen!

Mr Blue Sky beating to windward.

Mr Blue Sky beating to windward.

We knew it was important to arrive at Paimpol +- 1hr high water as the approach dried to 5.5m above chart datum, so we required the 8m of neap tide to prevent grounding.

We also had to leave Tréguier no later than -1hr low water as the flood running against would make the slipping of lines and leaving the pontoon impossible.

Hendrix motor sailing

Hendrix motor sailing

At 09.00h we left Tréguier as planned, motored down the river into the estuary,  even had a short sail until the wind died, but most importantly we were on target for arrival just before HW Tréguier 14.15h.

Navigating the tricky deep channel out of Tréguier

Navigating the tricky deep channel out of Tréguier

On the final approach rounding the wave screen we noted the lock gate was closed, a call was made on VHF CH9 to the lock master who informed us of a 10 minute wait - so we circled.


Hendrix increased the size of his circle until he strayed out of the deep water channel, you guessed it he ground to a halt. The crew of Mr Blue Sky enquiried whether he was beached, to his reply; "I'm beached broo - beached as" Mr Blue Sky... " you're beached broo, beached as!!

You’re beached broo?

You’re beached broo?

Tow rope deployed and Hendrix tugged unceremoniously back to the channel by Mr Blue Sky

Just before the lock at LW, if you look closely you can just see Hendrix skid mark left of the white bouy.

Just before the lock at LW, if you look closely you can just see Hendrix skid mark left of the white bouy.

Hendrix & Mr Blue Sky tied up in Painpol Harbour

Hendrix & Mr Blue Sky tied up in Painpol Harbour



Sun set at 23.00h

Sun set at 23.00h

After that we negotiated the lock and found a suitable berth dock side in the picturesque harbour centre, lotus grill fired up and cork popped.

Excitement was all too much

Excitement was all too much

Painpol is a shoppers dream, everything to keep a girl amused for hours - but that's enough about that.

Finaly before we leave Paimpol, if you can't beat them join them.

Skipper sporting a Breton hat

Skipper sporting a Breton hat

Time to catch the tide back to Sain Cast.