
Hendrix leading the way under power

Hendrix leading the way under power

After the disappointment of St Quay, we slipped our lines at 9am to head further west in hope for a more tranquil mooring.

The journey was to be nothing remarkable as with just a few knots of wind the sails remained in the bag, with the drone of the engine for the 15 miles west. But it was a sunny day so no one was complaining, summer is here st last.

I’m ready for a dip, anyone else coming?

I’m ready for a dip, anyone else coming?

Bubbles are chilled

Bubbles are chilled

Sharing a mooring bouy for lunch at Bréhat

Sharing a mooring bouy for lunch at Bréhat

We opted to pick up a mooring bouy at Bréhat, an island at the mouth of the River Trieux, with an ebbing tide we only had a few hours at most to soak up some sun, and a bottle of bubbles.

Motoring 5 miles up river to Lezardrieux

Motoring 5 miles up river to Lezardrieux

There are worse places to unwind

There are worse places to unwind

Lezardrieux has become our favourate Port so far, with its tree lined River Dart like approach, kids playing in dinghys dodging river boats, and a welcoming yacht club to end the day.

Still waters run deep – last flood of the day.

Still waters run deep – last flood of the day.

The tides are a major factor navigating Brittany with HWS up to 11m, below there are two pictures showing about 4 hrs difference in water level

Lezardrieux to Paimpol bridge over the Trieux

Lezardrieux high street

Lezardrieux high street